Dawn Falbe

Hi Julie:

Yes that's me from "the other list", which I no longer subscribe too....
Thanks for the input about the deschooling. I guess I'm figuring this thing
out one day at a time. The more I realize it's about letting go the more I
look at others who are not doing the same and wondering why it's so
important for them to buy into the "old way" of doing things.

I've recently had to walk away from a friendship with someone that I'd known
for a long time. I just stopped calling her as I was finding it more and
more difficult to have conversations that were "safe"... She was having so
many problems with her 2 kids in school and I (a) cannot relate to that and
(b) my answer is "take them out"... She doesn't want to hear that because
then she'd have to quit her job and she also told me she could never do what
I was doing (unschooling) because she wanted to make sure they learned
something.... I guess this is all part of the deschooling of myself.


From: "Julie Stauffer" <jnjstau@...>
Subject: Deschooling ourselves

<<how long will it take me to deschool ?>>

Hi Dawn,

I remember you from the other list (that is currently discussing why bed
times are a good thing and why unschooling doesn't work for everyone

I believe we will be deschooling for the rest of our lives. Basically, we
were brainwashed into seeing something normal and beautiful as something
artificial and coercive. I'm constantly catching myself thinking inside the
box, taking a close look, and realizing that particular box doesn't really
exist....I had just been programmed to think it does.

[email protected]

In a message dated 1/9/02 7:34:46 AM, dawn@... writes:

<< The more I realize it's about letting go the more I
look at others who are not doing the same and wondering why it's so
important for them to buy into the "old way" of doing things. >>

Going along.

Most people go along with the crowd, literally and figuratively and
emotionally and any other way they can manage to be carried along in the

<<She was having so
many problems with her 2 kids in school>>

But she can blame school.
And Society.

<<She doesn't want to hear that because
then she'd have to quit her job and she also told me she could never do what
I was doing (unschooling) because she wanted to make sure they learned

For one thing, you're shaming her. She WANTS to be innocent in the
situation, and if you keep on telling her she has options you will rob her of
her innocence.

She reveals the lack of thought she's put into the fact that you're
unschooling by saying right in plain-daylight English that she suspects your
kids won't learn anything.

I would let it go.

Wait a couple of years and see what things look like.
