Pam Hartley

From: "jeans5kids" <jeans5kids@...>
> Subject: phylisophical question about unschooling
> Ok this is just a question not about a spacific family (that I can
> think of right now): Now is unschooling what you (as members of this
> group) think of as the ideal situation and the best way for most
> people to homeschool or is it just for people who are life-long
> learners themselves and are well read or well educated on the
> unschooling subject.

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I don't think you have to be well read or well educated on unschooling to
unschool. Some people jump in a pool and just swim, they didn't need lessons
in particular, and their way of getting to the other end of the pool is just
fine, even if it doesn't look like my way. If they're not drowning, they're
swimming. :)

Unschooling in my family is partly how we are with each other and would
(hopefully) still be with each other if our girls were in school: calm,
respectful, encouraging. It is partly what we actually do for and with the
girls: helping to find resources as needed or requested, keeping an eye out
for things the other people in the family might find exciting or useful,
coming to each others aid when its needed, even when not specifically asked.

Now that my daughters are growing up, they are almost as likely to find
things that are of use to me as Wally or I are to find things that are of
use to them. I am hopeless with most of the electronic gadgets in the house.
My eleven year old cheerfully sets up DVR recordings for me, shows me
patiently (for the 10th time) how do do certain things on the computer, etc.
What has gone around here, has come around. :)

Unschooling is about and should be about choices. A family who is Christian
and tells their children they cannot associate with the heathens down the
block is denying choices as surely as an unschooling family who tells their
children that they may not, under any circumstances, attend a school.

I'm not sure what third world countries have to do with it. :) If a mother
or father or child who is from a third world country makes it into my
general orbit and wants to ask me unschooling questions, I'd be happy to
answer them to the best of my ability. Otherwise, it just seems a de-railing
sort of side topic.


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