[email protected]

In reorganizing the games section of my site, I changed some addresses, so I
wrote to a boy named Ryan who send me a poem a while back, to let him know,
and I asked him how it's going. He's not unschooled or homeschooled, just
found my video games page and wrote to me. He just responded:

-=-Thanks for the notification, here is a short summery of my gaming life. I
still playing video games, and sadly still arguing with my parents over
every last minute I play them. I am now in high school, and getting straight
A's which still will not get me off the hook. I enjoy RPGs and strategy
games though much of my gaming time is spent playing Guild Wars a
cooperative MMORPG on the internet (Elements wrath is my name for any fellow
player.) Though changes in the stereotypic view of a gamer are definitely
occurring, there is still a ways left to go before video games along with
computer games get the respect they deserve. -=-

His poem is here:

and the games site can be accessed three reasonably good ways (all are still
being worked on, and some of the pages lead to are more interesting than
others, but it's a work in progress):


Before I knew the site would be so big, I used games/page for the video page.
Very bad name; no one will guess it. So I changed it to videogames and
realized I should have a guessable "games" page too. Unfortunately, some
people had links to the other one.

So for those who might have a link saved or published, or who have in the
past given a friend that link, please note that it's easier to remember now---
SandraDodd.com and /videogames
or /games will get you there.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]