meghan anderson

<<<<My daughters are pretty young <g>. 7 and 4. I'm
35, so I'm probably on the younger side of the Moms
here, though as time goes on, I expect I'll have to
get used to that not being so.

But my picture's not up at the website yet, and I
don't look young -- I was never carded as a 21 year
old, no one guessed when I started working that I was
16, not 19 or 20. I married a guy 10 years older so I
wouldn't die of screaming boredom. <g>


Tamzin is 7. I'm 37. It helps me to keep track of my
age to know that I turned 30 three weeks after Tamzin
was born <g>.
I've always looked younger than I am though. Most
people have a hard time pinpointing my age (like I
said before, I'm a bit 'alternative' looking and most
people associate that with youth). My ex is 3 years
younger than me (although I was never bored with him

Meghan :-)

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meghan anderson wrote:

> Tamzin is 7. I'm 37. It helps me to keep track of my
> age to know that I turned 30 three weeks after Tamzin
> was born <g>.
> I've always looked younger than I am though. Most
> people have a hard time pinpointing my age (like I
> said before, I'm a bit 'alternative' looking and most
> people associate that with youth). My ex is 3 years
> younger than me (although I was never bored with him
> <g>).
> Meghan :-)

When I turned 30 three years ago a fair few people told me that I'd have
to stop having red spiky hair and get a 'normal' hair style. That I'd
have to stop wearing combat trousers and heavy metal t-shirts and get
'normal' clothes.
:p I said.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]