Barbara Mullins

My world seemed a little smaller this last week. My husband happens
to be a drug & alcohol abuse counselor, a goal he has worked very hard
to achieve and hopes one day to co-own a clinic. He just happened to
be at a conference this last week where Kathleen Crowley was giving a
session about Procovery and selling the book she wrote about it. My
husband perked up when she mentioned Sandra Dodd's name and he
informed her that we were unschoolers and after talking with Crowley
found out that she is an unschooling mother of 2 grown girls and that
she had used a slightly altered version of Sandra Dodd's certificate
of empowerment in her work, with Sandra's permission of course. So I
thought I would share that and to say a thank you to Sandra for
helping those recovering from addiction as well as all the work you do
in spreading the ideas of unschooling. Barbara
The book can be found at:

[email protected]

How cool that she named me!

Her version is here:

and if someone's computer doesn't like pdf files, a quicker html version is


She credits me right on there.

I thought it was so cool that she found a powerful use for that.

Mine is here:
_ (

It was written for a local New Mexico conference nine years ago (Kirby was
nine, I think; maybe it was ten years), and I wrote it and put it out on AOL
for the other homeschooling moms to help me polish.

Once in those days, too, some cranky anti-radical-unschoolers wrote a parody
of it, sort of, and if anyone kept a copy of that I'd love to have it. I
didn't save it at the time thinking it would always be around. It was about
their right to teach their children and decide things for them. Kinda
senseless, given the prevailing messages of the culture we live in.


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