[email protected]

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 10:25:47 EST starsuncloud@... writes:
> He's been told about four times in the last month (by perfect
> strangers) that
> he looks like Rick Springsteen??!! I don't see it. I think he's
> hunky, but I
> don't see the Springsteen look at all.

Wait... there's Rick Springfield, who is kind of a glam-guy who tries to
look "cool" now, IMO, although I liked him when I was younger... he did a
very hard-to-find song (I think only recorded is Australia) called "Speak
to the Sky" that I just love, it's very simple and just nice.

Bruce Springsteen, OTOH, is who he is, does an awesome show, and wouldn't
be caught dead doing Vegas, IMO... love him. "Tie that Bind" is my
favorite Bruce song, I used to play it over and over. He's got that hunky
"working-class" look, you could see him as a roofer or something...

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