Danielle Conger

Would anyone be interested in a movie discussion of Hotel Rwanda? I
though we could do this in the politics folder over at unschooling.info
forum so as not to clutter or derail any of the lists.

Even though I know this movie will be rough, I really want to see it and
support it. I've heard that it's message is ultimately one of hope and
faith in humanity rather than just a grind you into depression kind of
thing so I've gone ahead and put it on my movie queue, and I may
purchase it as well to support this kind of film making.

Amnesty International has sent around a teacher's guide to the movie,
which while annoying with its learning objectives, etc., does have some
good info and discussion starter questions that could be interesting to
think about. I'd be happy to post the link over there if folks are

At any rate, I thought with the different book discussions on the elists
these days that this might be of interest to other folks, too. Let me
know and I'll set it up if there's interest.

Emily (7), Julia (6), Sam (4.5)


"With our thoughts, we make the world." ~~Buddha