I wrote this for a small e-mail loop I've been on for many years, but after
I wrote it I thought it might be worth sharing with AlwaysLearning. I really
like this group. Thanks, all of you who have made it a good place to be.


So, one of our original exchange-deals was to note children's birthdays with
tales of their births, I think.

It was a dark and rainy night...
No, not rainy. And not always night.
January 12, 1989, 40 hours of labor started. I didn't know *That* was what
was starting, or I wouldn't have been so happy.

But Marty is fine, and had a party last night that Kirby conceived and
organized [since Kirby and several of the friends won't be available tonight, and
their midnight movie plan fell through as there was no midnight showing of
Elektra (sp? name?)]. Kirby went to the best cake shop in town to get him a
cake. It said "Marty Sucks," and had beautiful blue roses all around.

Marty's sitting right here, playing Halo II with eight guys, one of whom he
knows. Having a good time.

I really like Marty. He's wonderful.
And last night Kirby didn't suck. <g>


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In a message dated 1/14/2005 4:53:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:
I really like Marty. He's wonderful.

We like him too!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARTY!

Gail and Brenna

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In a message dated 1/14/2005 3:53:24 PM Central Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

It said "Marty Sucks," and had beautiful blue roses all around.

I shared that with Will. He stopped plucking his electric guitar and
laughed right out loud.

I have pictures of Marty on the whale watch boat, if you want to see them.

Marty had a marshmallow fight in the hallway of the hotel with my MOTHER! I
sometimes still can't believe it. Bless his heart.


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In a message dated 1/15/2005 7:35:56 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
tuckervill2@... writes:

-=-Marty had a marshmallow fight in the hallway of the hotel with my
sometimes still can't believe it. Bless his heart.-=-


Well did she want to or was she cruelly ambushed by a crazed Marty-Dodd?

-=-It said "Marty Sucks," and had beautiful blue roses all around.

-=-I shared that with Will. He stopped plucking his electric guitar and
laughed right out loud.-=-

There was a great comeback involved, too. When Kirby presented the lit cake,
he said, "I've been saying you suck for years, and you just wiped it off
like butter, but now your 16th birthday cake says you suck."

Marty said "And I can wipe that off with a napkin."

It really was pretty funny, and not offensive, and it was very cool.

Kirby said the girl at the cake shop had fun doing it too. He assured her
it was for his brother who would appreciate it.



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In a message dated 1/15/2005 9:02:49 PM Central Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

Well did she want to or was she cruelly ambushed by a crazed Marty-Dodd?


I think it made her whole trip! I've already thanked him. :)


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