[email protected]

North Carolina Unschoolers

Living is Learning Conference
_http://www.ncunschoolers.com_ (http://www.ncunschoolers.com/)

Saturday 13 November 2004
Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel
Charlotte, NC

Featured Speaker is Valerie Fitzenreiter, author of The Unprocessed Child.
Other speakers and interactive session will be there, including a session on
Tappas Acupressure Technique. Also the Charlotte Community Drummers will be
drumming for and with us. And, of course, sessions on unschooling topics as

This is an age-inclusive event and there will be a separate room provided
where anyone can take a break, it will have some toys, paper and crayons etc.
It will not, have a "baby-sitter". There will be someone in the room but you
will be responsible for your family.

Conference registration will begin at 8:30, snacks will be provided for this
all day event.

Early bird discount registration will end 1 October 2004 so go to
_http://www.ncunschoolers.com_ (http://www.ncunschoolers.com/) for more details and to

If you have any questions that are not answered on the web site please feel
free to contact me at _genant2@..._ (mailto:genant2@...)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Pam Genant

Just an update.

North Carolina Unschoolers
Living is Learning Conference
13 November 2004
Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel
Charlotte NC
***Early Bird registration ends 1 October
To register or for more information go to http://www.ncunschoolers.com

Our featured speaker is Valerie Fitzenreiter, author of The
Unprocessed Child. Also sessions on Moving Through Fear to
Unschooling, From School to Unschool, and Consensual Living. We will
also be viewing the documentary Grown Without Schooling, and have a
session on Tappas Acupressure Technique, and the Charlotte Community
Drummers will be there to perform for and with us.

There is a link to the hotel from the conference web site if you
would like to stay Saturday night. Mention the Living is Learning
Conference for the discounted rate, if the discounted rooms run out
please e mail me privately and I will talk with the conference
coordinator at the hotel to release more rooms to us for the

We will have lots of fun,
so join us for this interesting, inspiring day

Pam Genant