I'm speaking in Las Vegas NV
[email protected]
2nd Annual Nevada Homeschool Network Convention
June 18 and 19, 2004
Calvary Community, 2900 N. Torrey Pines Dr.
Not an unschooling conference, a variety show of homeschooling topics. The
way it's set up (seems to be) is that each particular homeschooling group there
is sponsoring a speaker. I'm sponsored by Las Vegas Life Learners, a new
unschooling group there. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LVLifelearners/
Other people I know to be on the unschooling side of life are Connie Colten;
and Elissa Wahl who's one of the authors of Christian unschooling; and
Steve and Kimberly Patrow who used to live in Albuquerque and were active in
The Goof Group, a weekly unschooling group we used to have here when Kirby and
Marty were younger.
Other workshop and presentation descriptions are about control and biblical
mandates and other things I have no interest in.
There's an HSLDA guy.
The main speaker is Reb Bradley, who seems to be a preacher more than
anything else.
There are some things Holly might like, though. I hope she has fun.
And then on Sunday the unschooling group is going to get together for a
picnic or barbecue and then we can REALLY talk about unschooling!
The arrangements for this were fairly recent, but I wish I had put a notice
here sooner. I kept forgetting. And it's not a conference to really invite
doubting spouses or parents to. I could be in for some flak or criticism, and
no doubt there will be a room full of revisionist propaganda and advice for
keeping kids down and small. I will be a threat to the idea that of course
parents have to make kids learn (etc.)
-=- at the door it will be $25/single and $35/family-=-
Too much just to hear the unschoolers, I think. But I'm glad to get to meet
more unschoolers and maybe help them out.
2nd Annual Nevada Homeschool Network Convention
June 18 and 19, 2004
Calvary Community, 2900 N. Torrey Pines Dr.
Not an unschooling conference, a variety show of homeschooling topics. The
way it's set up (seems to be) is that each particular homeschooling group there
is sponsoring a speaker. I'm sponsored by Las Vegas Life Learners, a new
unschooling group there. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LVLifelearners/
Other people I know to be on the unschooling side of life are Connie Colten;
and Elissa Wahl who's one of the authors of Christian unschooling; and
Steve and Kimberly Patrow who used to live in Albuquerque and were active in
The Goof Group, a weekly unschooling group we used to have here when Kirby and
Marty were younger.
Other workshop and presentation descriptions are about control and biblical
mandates and other things I have no interest in.
There's an HSLDA guy.
The main speaker is Reb Bradley, who seems to be a preacher more than
anything else.
There are some things Holly might like, though. I hope she has fun.
And then on Sunday the unschooling group is going to get together for a
picnic or barbecue and then we can REALLY talk about unschooling!
The arrangements for this were fairly recent, but I wish I had put a notice
here sooner. I kept forgetting. And it's not a conference to really invite
doubting spouses or parents to. I could be in for some flak or criticism, and
no doubt there will be a room full of revisionist propaganda and advice for
keeping kids down and small. I will be a threat to the idea that of course
parents have to make kids learn (etc.)
-=- at the door it will be $25/single and $35/family-=-
Too much just to hear the unschoolers, I think. But I'm glad to get to meet
more unschoolers and maybe help them out.