Karen & William Gibson

Space Weather News for May 1, 2004

On May 4th, sky watchers in Europe, Africa and parts of Asia can see a
total lunar eclipse. The full moon will glide through Earth's shadow and
turn a lovely shade of sunset-red. The eclipse begins at 18:48 GMT (2:48
p.m. EDT) and becomes total at 19:52 GMT (3:52 p.m. EDT).

North Americans won't be able to see the event--not directly--but they can
view it over the Internet. Visit Spaceweather.com for links to live
webcasts of the eclipse, along with visibility maps and more information.

Karen M. Gibson
mailto:wdkmg@..., ICQ# 2152628, AIM - KadachMom
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Articles, Homeschool Chats!
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"A sense of curiosity is nature's original school of education." ~ Smiley

[email protected]

Sorry to post to the list I went to the archives trying to look up an email
address and it was cut off. Anyhow, Krisula could you please email me?
Jessica is wondering if Sydney is going to Refugio next week!


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