Ren Allen

"The dumber kids are in school the more interesting school will seem."

That was my first thought.
I looked over at Jalen watching "Dora the Explorer", how he's
laughing and wiggling and singing along with them and how very dull
school would seem in comparison. Schools don't really want bright
kids, they want compliant kids.
Jalen would be one of the first kids to be recommended for drugs if
he was school bound...I'm quite sure of that. He's too bright and
happy for that institution of dumbing down, and they'd notice it
right away.
Happy, bright, intensely curious kids learn a lot from
television...but that's exactly why they'd be at risk for "ADHD",
which some of the brightest people on the planet have been labeled
Edison was considered "addled" and his third grade teacher said he'd
never amount to anything but a failure. That was the last year he
spent in school I believe. I bet he'd have loved television.
