Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema

Hello all,

I don't normally post much, but was delighted to find that I am 158.4
Mercurian years old.
Now, that's longevity! (grin)
I'm only 62 Venusian years old, but somehow, I can't help but think that
Venusians have more fun than Mercurians, so maybe those 62 years are just
more jam-packed...

Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything. - Frank Dane


> I don't normally post much, but was delighted to find that I am
> Mercurian years old.
> Now, that's longevity! (grin)

Cool. I'd only be 21 if I lived on Mars. And--I get 4 birthdays
next year, one in Jan, Feb, May and July.

There's a poster at my job that says "Birthdays are good for you.
The more you have, the longer you live."


Jenny Schmith

Thank you for posting this great website. The children were studying
about the solar system this afternoon and this was a neat and timely
addition to our studies.


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