[email protected]

In a message dated 10/15/2003 4:08:10 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
I don't know if it was here or on the unschoolingdiscussion list, but
recently someone posted (and I don't remember what thread/topic it was under
<G>) about one of their children who says "I know" a lot. I am having that
experience with Moly right now. Example, she was painting and came and asked
about a brush I have that she has never used. She wanted to know if she could
use it and how to use it. I explained it similar to another she has used and
started to show her how to hold it to get the desired effect. Then came the
kNOw Mom." Complete with rolled eyes and a huff as she walked off.
What has worked for us is conversations about how it hurts our feelings when
J isn't nice to us. We try to be nice to him as much as possible, and it
matters that he treat us well too. We can always follow up in the heat of the
moment with just a quiet "I would really like you to speak to me in a kinder way."
A lot of the time he isn't even aware of it, and it's generally followed by a
very quick apology. You do get to be treated kindly, too. If she NEEDS to say
"I KNOW!" and not listen to your suggestion, then at least you don't get
dumped on. (And being kind to you includes not blaming you if the projects don't
work out.)

As far her ignoring your suggestions -- Well...I guess that's those logical
consequences we've all heard so much about!

I suppose if she keeps blaming you, you could have her sign a contract that
acknowledges that she KNOWS, and that results, positive and negative are her
own responsibility. LOL

But I would mostly stress that she has to be nice to you. It feels awaful
when our kids are mean to us.


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