[email protected]

Hi folks! Please come visit the new, temporary site for August's
Live and Learn Unschooling Conference in New England! Go to <A HREF="www.LiveandLearnconference.org">

Kathryn Baptista, Conference Coordinator

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[email protected]

Kathryn, this is the website of the guy I was telling you about who I would
love to see at the conference. He lives in Boston. Tom O'Carroll



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[email protected]

More about Tom O'Carroll:

Audience participation plays a large role in Tom and Debbie O'Carroll's
performance. They [children] will learn some phrases in the Irish language,
discover Celtic knot art, find out what the colours in the Irish Flag mean, meet
Molly Malone from Dublin, figure out a riddle poem by the Irish writer Jonathan
Swift, join in a song about a Belfast belle, visit an Irish sweet shop, practice
an Irish jig and much, much more!

Doesn't that sound like fun?? I can't wait to get a chance to see him again!

BTW, Will met him, too, and Tom sat with us on his break at the pub, and he
was very receptive to Will, and let him try the bodhran.


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