[email protected]

I be thinkin' that some of you peoples were a wee bit repressed as children
and couldn'a tell poo jokes?
What's with all the poop jokes? I'm definitely not getting the humor, sorry.
Not trying to be a poop grinch or anything...

My kids would love it undoubtedly.

I like the story about your superior arguement skills Sandra. That's very
cool that you realized how you had the upper hand (would any of us have
guessed differently?) and chose to give some slack. I think I probably try
that with my dh a bit too much....although his skills have improved in that
I think I should like to see those skills at work in a debate against Kent
Hovind (anyone know him? A creation scientist that is very arrogant and a
great debater) or maybe against an HSLDA figurehead. Now THAT would be
We'd have to form a cheerleading squad.....
"That's alright, that's ok, Sandra's gonna beat you anyway!!"

Sharon Rudd

> I be thinkin' that some of you peoples were a wee
> bit repressed as children
> and couldn'a tell poo jokes?
> What's with all the poop jokes? I'm definitely not
> getting the humor, sorry.
> Not trying to be a poop grinch or anything...

Poop Grinch.....that's a good 'un!!

I was repressed, and more, as a child. However my
mother was not constrained in the language SHE used in
order to do the repressing. Just before I left home I
practiced saying "shit" in my mind so that when I was
amongst other young folks it would sound natural to
say it aloud when I stubbed my toe, or something.

Sharon of the Swamp

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