
"We pulled up big radishes today and picked the first peas from our
little garden. I have too many zucchini and will have to sneak around
the neighborhood tonight in my jammies leaving unwanted squashes on the
neighbor's door steps. "

Man, I want to be your neighbor!! For more than the squash of course...:) Wah.
I loved reading about all of your gardens. Inspirational!
We have a few little raised beds that I built earlier this year. So far the beans have not produced anything edible, but they've climbed all over and look really cool. I think our lousy weather this summer kept them from getting pollinated.
We do have a few little watermelons though, something I've never grown before! The kids excitedly check their little beds every so often and then have to bring Daddy to see the progress. What fun! We even have a couple of eggplants growing, no eggplant yet though.
It's rained every single day for so long I can't remember...poor tourists are getting gyped. It's sunny most of the day, but we get a good downpour almost daily this year.
I'm afraid the watermelons will crack if this keeps up!
