[email protected]

Holly LOVES weddings, and we got her into this one, including the rehearsal
dinner, by playing the music. IF anyone's interested (it wouldn't hurt my
feelings if you weren't!) or if anyone went to UNM and wants to look at the
Alumni chapel, or if anyone does SCA or Ren stuff and wants to look at costumes,
there's that.


Sharon May 17 03

password SMILE

page 7, middle bottomish, Keith

page 9, bottomish, one of me and another of Keith

we were standing across from each other, in the fourth row (I think) and did
three pieces (procession, candle-lighting and recession), elaborately with
changing harmonies. First The Ash Grove, for candles the tune Maddy Prior and
June Tabor used for "The Seven Wonders" on the Silly Sisters album, and for
recessional a ballad tune. The words are not at all wedding-like, but few there
knew which ballad it was. (It's about a woman drowning a guy who tried to kill
her for her clothes and steal her horse. <g> But musically it's great. ) We
followed the minister out, playing still, but stayed inside the church
because had we gone outside playing, the wondrous acoustics of that little chapel
would have turned to the sudden thinness of playing in the great outdoors. So
we used the chapel as an amplifier, even after people were outside doing the
sword-arch thing. It was a big adobe Renaissance boom box.

Because we wear 11th century costumes "in real life," we had no snazzy 17th
century stuff, but hey, we matched. <g>

For the reception later, we played a Bouree from Terpsichore by Praetorius.
I'm playing it at the homeschooling talent show in SC, too, but won't have
Keith to harmonize off of.




Nothing came up for the 17th but I tried the 18th and found them. This
would be a fun wedding to attend.


> www.weddingprints.com
> Sharon May 17 03
> password SMILE

Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema

Hey, that Keith's a CUTIE!!!
Lucky Girl!!!