[email protected]

Hello everyone,

Sorry I'm a little goofy today and have reading posts all morning and have
completely forgotton who originally posted about the MIL, previous teacher
and the people concerned that our kids are going to be made fun of for skills
they have or have not learned due to our choices. Oh yes and the one child
who is worried about being fat at the age of 8.

So I apologize for my confusion, but while folding laundry the 12:00 news
just came on and one of the lead stories is about how bullying and bashing of
schooled children is now at anyone's fingertips. I was barely paying
attention until I heard that this internet site has been up for 3 years now
and is growing at a tremendous rate and is now in the hundreds of thousands
of registered users. Unfortunately, being out of it a bit today, I missed
what the link was, not because I have any intention on visiting it, but
because I thought it would be wonderful ammo for the argument against sending
a child to school for socialization.Just another thing we can add to the list
of stuff we don't want our kids "Exposed" to. I will try to watch the same
channel for their 3:00 edition so as to get the link and post it here and
then all those people who think our kids should be exposed to the social
environment of school can be given the link and they can search for positives
in which they would prefer their grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins and
children of friends not miss out on.

Peace to all of you.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]