
I would have enjoyed pulling out the sliver but that's me. Last
summer a neighbor boy (10 or 11) got 'stabbed' in the arm with the
shattered end of a stick. He came to me (as his parents were 'gone'
somewhere). I pulled 4 3/4 inch slivers the width of toothpicks
out of his arm. And they were straight it!! It was awesome!
Several summers ago my nephew cam in screaming and full of 'fence'.
Bug chunks of fence board in his arm. I got to take those out.

I was the one who did piercings for friends and stuff in highschool
too. I don't want to be a doctor though! No chance! I am a
picker. Scabs, hangnails anything that will bleed is very
gratifying. :)

I know you all think I'm wacko now so I won't tell you about the
vampire fantasies I used to have as a teenager :)

And I think you might be right about the genetic link Sandra because
my dd's favorite shows are the opperation ones. And she's 4! :)


[email protected]

In a message dated 4/15/03 3:25:24 AM, katguts@... writes:

<< I don't want to be a doctor though! No chance! I am a

picker. Scabs, hangnails anything that will bleed is very

gratifying. :) >>

Well, YEAH. If he had been willing to leave it in I would have been happy to
mess with the big boil of pus it would have produced after a few days. But
Keith, he had been picking up dog poop and was afraid of gangrene.

So maybe HE was the wimp!! <bwg>

<<And I think you might be right about the genetic link Sandra because

my dd's favorite shows are the opperation ones. >>

The children's museum in St. Louis is very cool. Huge and wonderful. Part
of their display is a freeway overpass! The museum straddles the freeway and
you can go up there and look down.

But something they had I couldn't really watch was two operations on video.

For those of you with that proclivity: St. Louis! (Though now I guess they
can probably be rented and watched at home with popcorn.)

Neither Marty nor Kirby pick. They get good zits and won't pop them.
Commendable. Yeah. Whatever. <g>
But I picked as a kid and had scabs, so they're way better off. Holly is
going to pick, I bet. She can recite the tale of every scar on her body.
She knows when moles appeared.


Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema

>But I picked as a kid and had scabs, so they're way better off. Holly is
>going to pick, I bet.

I used to 'pick' my teenage zits (or 'squeeze'!) - and couldn't *Stand* it
when others didn't! It was the aesthetics and knowing that sometimes zits
were uncomfortable and folks didn't need that discomfort.. ...I'd always
want to go up and ask them if I could show them how to get rid of them...
but never did! Too chicken maybe.

Anyway, I'd squeezed for years (sometimes still find the need to) and never
had a scar from it.
I clean my hands and face with soap, break the middle of the zit with a
flame-sterilized sewing needle and squeeze away! It was usually completely
painless if they were surface, not 'deep'. Anyway, if Holly decides to
'pick', you might choose to share how one person did it and came out of it
just fine.

"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” —Jeannette Rankin

Tia Leschke

>>Anyway, I'd squeezed for years (sometimes still find the need to) and
had a scar from it.
I clean my hands and face with soap, break the middle of the zit with a
flame-sterilized sewing needle and squeeze away! It was usually completely
painless if they were surface, not 'deep'. Anyway, if Holly decides to
'pick', you might choose to share how one person did it and came out of it
just fine.>>

I pick, horribly. Especially those nasty deep ones that take forever to
come to a head (if they ever do). I don't have any scars, and I'm not
particularly careful about cleanliness.

For a long time my zits have been part of my PMS. Even when I got
irregular, the zits would be a hint that a period was coming. Now I haven't
stopped getting periods (they go several months in between but there's
always another one at some point) and the zits are whenever. I was really
hoping they'd finally stop.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
saftety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

Kelli Traaseth

Tia Leschke <leschke@...> wrote: **I was really
hoping they'd finally stop.**

Yeah, I think it would be only fair that if we get a grey hair we don't get zits any more! Don't you think? I wish!

Oh yeah, they aren't grey hairs, they're wisdom hairs. I must be quite wise then. <g>


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Tia Leschke

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
saftety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin
> Yeah, I think it would be only fair that if we get a grey hair we don't
get zits any more! Don't you think? I wish!

Maybe I have to grow some more. My mother greyed really early, but I take
after my dad.

> Oh yeah, they aren't grey hairs, they're wisdom hairs. I must be quite
wise then. <g>

I'm working on some wisdom. <g>