
Hey Ren!

How are you guys? Sorry I haven't written in a while! (that's putting it lightly, I'd say)

Every time I read your stuff on AL I try to get moving but... well, you know how it is....

I'm always behind on the list, so I don't contribute when it'd just be old news!

Then I just read (well actually a couple of days ago) that you have an article in HEM!
Congratulations! That is soooo cool! Gee, maybe that means I should get a subscription! Do you
happen to know if the article is online or not?

It's still the same old same old around here. I haven't found one other unschooler. The group here
in Havelock praises god in every sentence. (though they are nice people but there's definitely _no_
connection with any of them and none of the kids can read Harry Potter) But the group in Morehead
City, a half hour away, is much nicer. We do cool stuff with them. They "do school" and church, but
you wouldn't really know it through conversation unless the specific topics come up. So that's much
easier on my psyche. Jake has met one very good friend who also happens to have a sister six month
older than Rachel. But it figures, their relationship is much slower to get off the ground. Margo is
a very creative artsy twenty-ish (if you know what I mean) eleven year old who is very into boys. So
they haven't got alot in common, though do seem to get along ok.

We still miss all you guys. Jake still talks about the boys and Rachel about the girls. We were
trying to think of a way to get down there for a visit before we go to NY for the summer. On the
beach on base there are cabins with full kitchens and everything. We were thinking of renting one of
those for a few days. The only thing with that is that Pete's going to be gone for most of May and
June, so that only leaves next month. If we actually manage to get this together, are you guys going
to be in town the last week of April (after the 27th)?

>>I thought I was the only unschooler for a while, I started a
group with just myself and one other family, and now we have a strong
unschooling support group with a very diverse base.<<

Wow that is so great! I am so happy for you guys. That's my inspiration to not give up. Just shows
what a bit of perseverance can do.

Just wanted to say hi and touch base. :-)

Hope you guys are all doing well.


OH MY GOD!!! I cannot believe I DID that!! Am I embarassed or what!!!

I am SO sorry!

extrememly red now even though no one can see

[email protected]

In a message dated 3/26/2003 5:05:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
alijay@... writes:

> OH MY GOD!!! I cannot believe I DID that!! Am I embarassed or what!!!
> I am SO sorry!
> Alice
> extrememly red now even though no one can see

Hi, ALICE! Waving wildly so you can see me! <G>


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]