Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema

Hi all,
Well, we're learning all about how to degrease an engine and undercarriage
on a new-to-us '97 F250 4x4 diesel truck named Betsy. Problem is, the only
ways we can figure to degrease her (using biodegradable degreasers),
removes the paint from the undercarriage too, leaving the metal unprotected
(and nevermind my arm is tired from scrubbing!) Has anyone out there
successfully degreased an engine/undercarriage without stripping the paint
as well? Any helpful hints?

(We need to clear out the dreck as we'll soon be switching to using
home-made biodiesel soon and we want to be able to tell by sight if it's
dissolving any of the tubing/etc. Otherwise, we'd leave the dreck alone!)
