Jon and Rue Kream

We had a Bumpa too! I just love that name. ~Rue

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

-----Original Message-----
From: steve ritola-schow [mailto:seaturtles4@...]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:27 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [AlwaysLearning] granny and libraries

my parents are Mimi and Bumpa

steve ritola-schow

Hey y'all,

I have not been writing lately, but have been back to lurking for months. I
am laughing about the "granny" discussion (and the crap circles, too, Deb!).

So here we are: my parents are Mimi and Bumpa (which is what I, being the
oldest grandchild, called my father's father), my in-laws are Nana and
Grandpa, my father used to live with these folks when he was in the army who
were "grandparent-ish" and he called them Nanny and Po. The funny thing is
that both my grandmothers were called Grandma (insert last name), so my
sister called them "Grandma with the teeth like mine" (because my mom's mom
had a large gap between her front my sister) and "The Grandma
who eats the cores" (because my dad's mom ate her apples all the way down
to the seeds). I have not laughed about that in so long, thanks for the

Oh, and Betsy, I love to go to the library alone, too. It is so nice to
just go in, sit down, read, and walk out with stuff I can carry by myself
without my imaginary personal chiropractor counting the money she'll make
off me the next day!!

Blessed be,