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I have this book that LeaAnn loaned me, her dd needed it for a college
course. It's a congolmeration of studies done on homeschoolers, I'm sure it
would work well for backing up any point you wanted to make on the structured
So far, what I've read is about structured and semi-structured homeschoolers.
But it's actuall studies and very scientific sounding.
It's one of the Peabody Journal of Education issues, you are probably
familiar with those?
This one is Volume 75, numbers 1 & 2, 2000
"The Home Education Movement in Context, Practice, and Theory"

I bet it would help if you needed to provide footnotes for any comments in
the article.....if you want me to look up stuff in it, let me know.
Or I could loan it to ya! I'm sure LeaAnn won't mind.

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