[email protected]

Well, there's something to be said about wishing to avoid confrontation.
Because I really didn't want to call the grandmother unless I was
*absolutely* sure, I decided to count everything again.

Found I had made a mistake, having put only $35 change in the drawer for
Saturday's sale, when I wrote down $45 and thought I had put in that much.
The total of all sales/money taken in was exactly $10 OVER, because I had
taken $10 out of the donations to make up for the loss. Saturday's take
balanced, but nothing did when I added up all the sales.

::whew::: Now I just have to deal with the girl's propensity to ask people
for money for herself. I realize this is a cultural issue--she's a different
race than me. It happens to me on occasion, little kids--strangers to
me--approaching me and asking for quarters or dollars. Even had a boy about
9 come up and ask me if he could have a piece of our pizza! I find it rude
and obnoxious, and realize that others might feel differently. But what is
that about? I don't get it.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]