The Mowery Family

Two men went away for a golfers weekend and stopped at a fast food joint

Golfer one says to the FFworker - "can you settle an argument for us, my
friend says that we are in KISSamee and I say we are in kissAHmee - would
you please tell us where we are?"

FFworker - "you are at BURGER KING"

Karen M.

> As you may know, Florida is home to a lot of funny-looking placenames.
> Kissimmee is but one that is commonly mispronounced (/kih-SIH-mee/ not
> /KISS-ah-MEE/). One of my favourite jokes as a kid was: "How do you
> the capital of Florida, /MEE-a-mee/ or /my-A-mee/?" Answer: