Adoption Considerations for Unschoolers

This will be a repository of links to article and discussions as they come along or are re-discovered.

Robin Bentley was responding in a long topic and wrote, in part:
Itʻs about priorities. If your priority is a dream job, then unschooling will tend to take a back seat. Radical unschooling happens all the time, with present parents and, sometimes, with additional help. If your priority is to build relationships with your children through unschooling, then a dream job might need to wait.

Sandra has said (and it might seem harsh, at first) that a person could always put their kids up for adoption if unschooling is too hard and they want to work or play or do whatever without children.

Another quote from Sandra: "What might help with the decision is to decide what your principles and priorities are."

I think thatʻs what it really comes down to. Those are up to you and your husband to decide.

I wanted to explain why I had sometimes brought up adoption (as I had not in this case and wasn't planning to):
-=-Sandra has said (and it might seem harsh, at first) that a person could always put their kids up for adoption-=-
It's useful when people are on a martyrly rant about how it's TOO HARD and others must be lying if they're saying they can live peacefully with children, and Why oh WHY is life so Crappy and AWFUL and how can total strangers think they know ANYthing about being parents to children and wah WAH oh WAH!.

Then I remind them that they could put their children up for adoption, if they don't like them well enough to snap out of their self-centered whine-o-rama.

Okay, all of that is a paraphrase. But it IS a re-set button, for the mother to think for a moment (no matter how pissed off she might be at me, the ignorant stranger in question) whether she DOES want to keep her child(ren) instead of calling an adoption agency. For some people, that might be the first time they consciously choose to keep that child.

Choice is powerful.

The Precious Journey of the Mother who Adopts Older Children
By Laurie A. Couture
Web Exclusive April 17, 2009

Choices Attachment Parenting Extended Attachment Parenting