IF YOU HAVE A CUSTOM 404 page, and are getting 404 hits from links without an .html extension, add this code to the header of the error page (in between the <head> and </head> tags):

<script type="text/javascript"> var filename = window.location.pathname; var search = ""; search = filename.indexOf("html"); if(search == -1) {//redirect to new URL filename += ".html"; window.location = filename;} </script> The code is by Pam and Michael Laricchia

It won't solve all the problems of whatever Yahoo Small Business did in early May, 2019, but it will allow people to get to your pages.

Sandra Dodd
May 20, 2019

This came up from Small Business, but it's not very helpful How can I create my own error pages?

Here's mine, if you want to look at the code I used years ago: /e404.html
or to get to it as it operates, try something that doesn't exist: /imaginary.html