Two Pelicans who've been royalty repeatedly can help you understand some of what goes into being king and queen Meet People and Learn Things ![]() Artan & Aziza answered a list of questions submitted in advance by al-Barranians, at Guest Fest on January 25, 2007. A summary of those answers is below. They're not full or necessarily exact quotes (although many phrases are exact), but are intended convey the gist of the responses.
Introduction from that evening, by AElflaed of Duckford, Guest Fest hostess: I would like to introduce our honored speakers.
![]() 1) What kind of SCA experience translates to being good royalty?
Aziza: being a good organizer, maybe being autocrat 2) What should one consider in a potential consort?
Aziza: Communication; it's stressful
Artan's answers:
1st time: just really wanted to win, had just become a knight about five weeks, wanted to prove he could do it. Won, didn't want to be king so much as just jump to being a count.
2nd time: everyone thought Johann would win. Artan had no job, etc., though "just want to be a duke."
3rd time: Kings in Atenvedt did a lot of handoff and repeat (Brion/Trelon). He thought he could do the job well, and got to make Aziza queen the 1st time.
4th time: to make Aziza a duchess. Had been in California for a few years [going to college] and had lost touch some with the Outlands
5th time: changed kingdom law (last time) to move Crown Tourney so there would be a longer Crown Prince period [July to November]. Thought the best way to show how the Crown Prince should be respectful was to win Crown [and demonstrate that deference]. Hrothgar and Madigan were king and queen, There were political problems up north, and Artan offered to handle them after Hrothgar's reign was over.
6th time: There were some things he wanted to do, and prove he could still do it, to encourage more formality in the kingdom and to be king at Estrella on the 20th anniversary of his knighting.
Artan: I don't know that we do. 5) Is it better to hand out too many awards, or too few?
Aziza: Too few. It makes the ones given out more special. If a person is deserving, the next crown will do it. Too many looks like you aren't carefully thinking about recipients.
6) What do your subjects do that bothers you the most? Aziza: excited to be queen this time for the opportunity to be an example of formality, and is annoyed when people don't play along
7) What are some mistakes kings and queens have made?
Aziza: Not communicating with consorts before Crown 8) What are some mistakes you might have made in earlier reigns? Artan: Tons. All kinds of mistakes. 9) What surprised you about the experience of being royalty?
Artan: I was taken aback by the deference. I was Queen's Champion when I won Crown the first time. First time after Crown tournament, before even being made Crown Prince, people bowed and looked, how real being king is to some people (people bowing outside SCA events, etc.), how much the king and queen mean to people and the depth of emotion.
Aziza: Artan had the advantage and had been queen twice. When she was first queen, Artan was already familiar with how important the king and queen are to people. She was surprised by people's assumption that they really cared [about things they couldn't even know about]—the assumption that they Crown is knowledgeable and caring.
Artan: People want the K/Q to handle things they're not in charge of.
Aziza: The kinds of issues people bring to you that should maybe be taken to someone else.
Artan: always thought kingdom law defined what the king can do, but actually kingdom law says what they can't do.
10) What are the hardest parts?
Artan: Hardest part is doing things you don't want to do, because they're the right thing to do for the kingdom. It's hard to be a good king. 11) What are the best parts?
Aziza: Reactions and faces when we give people stuff. 12) How did your perceptions of the Society change once you stepped into the role of King and Queen?
Aziza: able to see the more mundane workings of it. Perspective changed.
13) How did your perceptions of other Royalty change once you stepped OUT of the role of King and Queen?
14) Was one reign harder than the others? If so, why?
15) If you could pick one experience, what was the most positive thing to happen during any of your reigns?
16) In hindsight, is there one thing that you would do differently? ![]() ![]() All of Artan's squires were there: Lord Dermod, Bardolf, and The Honorable Lord Vladimir
Later in the evening, flash photos to get the crowd in the back:
Those present were
Gunwaldt Meanwhile, downstairs the first three or four named below were helping the other four or five have fun and be occupied so that the serious candle-lit experience could unfold upstairs. Thank you, Kirby and Holly especially, and Courtney and Josh for helping.
Kirby CREDITS AND THANKS Bardolf took the photos, without flash, and I'm grateful to him for doing that, and very glad to have the photos, because as soon as they were uploaded to the computer, that camera ceased to function. Sadie and Kendrick must have taken some too, as Bardolf is in some; thanks. Lady Marie took more notes than I ever expected, and they're wonderful. From those the answers to the questions were summarized. Thank you. Master Gunwaldt lit the back path with firelight, and marked the front path with ice and light and... I would take a photo but the camera's broken.
All my family helped with set-up of the beautiful setting (and of the kid-rooms downstairs): Gunwaldt |