"Water my Yard with Swords"
A&AE Night, March 27, 2008

Most photos and all the videos are by Quinn Trainor, Holly's friend who's visiting from Rhode Island. Feel free to link or lift any of these. You can use my direct links if you want to. The home of these is: SandraDodd.com/albums/c111/SandraDodd/Yard/swords/

Note in 2024: Links to videos from photobucket are not working two ways, now, but for anyone who wants to see all the images from that set, maybe with working videos, click the link below, and when you're done, exit with the arrow in the upper right.

Water and Swords Day, March 2008

The tiny pictures are thumbnails of the other photos; you can ignore those.

I'm removing video links that were here; they should all play from the gallery code above. The photos below will be there, too. And any photo below, clicked, will link to its larger version.

Who ARE those people!?

When they're dressed up for SCA purposes sometimes they are

Duke Artan MacAilin

Jarl Gunwaldt Gulbjorn

Count Mordygan MacGregor

Master Balthazar Tegero

Lord Dermod of Killarney

Lord Bardolf Gunwaldtsson (a.k.a. Marty Dodd)

Lord Kendrick MacPherson (but I don't have a Kendrick page yet, so this is my Brett Henry collection)

Holly Dodd who is sometimes Asta in the SCA, but not lately. The photographer is Quinn (I/Sandra had the camera a few times for still shots), and also-there but not whacking milk bottles: Annaliese/AnneAliz (soon to be Cecelia, maybe) and Sandra/AElflaed