
Two great books for very cool children's gardens are Roots, shoots,
buckets & boots : gardening together with children / Sharon
Lovejoy. and Sunflower Houses : Inspiration From The Garden : A
Book For Children And Their Grown-Ups / by Sharon Lovejoy. One of
my favorite things is her suggestion to listen to the plants and
trees with a stethoscope. This year we have a stethoscope and I
can't wait to do it.

Also Square foot gardening / by Mel Bartholomew is fabulous. One of
his most freeing (to me) gardening points is that all vining plants
can be grown vertically, except perhaps with the exception of giants
like giant pumpkins and hubbard squash. But with a strip of grass
you could dig it and erect a 60ft tall structure with jack o
lanterns, pumpkins, various vining beans and flowers, etc. Or make
a pole tent and grow these things. Birdhouse gourds or yard-long
runner beans might be fun to grow in a tipi, and the gourds would
prolong into winter fun.
