
According to my son's friend, from whom we borrowed the Nintendo
64. :)

"Your mom is SO cool! She plays computer games!" I was giving Sonic a
spin. Sonic's on the computer, not the Nintendo, and I was dinking
around with it, and the kids SAID that. (I've discovered that the 3-D
computer games give me motion sickness!L)

His mom told me he was never so motivated to get his schoolwork done
(they do school-at-home) as when he knew he could come over as soon
as it was done. And I wondered about it, right away.

He hustled through the hoops as fast as he could, and got that work
done...but I had to wonder, what did he learn? Maybe he learned that,
if he gets his work done quickly, he'll have time for what he wants
to do.

Made me a bit sad, actually. He's a cool kid, and he "knows" a lot,
but what he knows isn't really part of him.



**He hustled through the hoops as fast as he could, and got that work
done...but I had to wonder, what did he learn? **

He learned that the freedom he has at your house is so worthwhile that
he's willing to put a lot of effort to get the payoff of having more
time at your house. ;-)

So, okay he was doing his assigned work in a slapdash fashion. I don't
think doing it very carefully and ponderously would have been a great
thing either. <g>

If more kids had the opportunity to speed up their "school day" and have
a life afterwards, that would be a good thing. (But not as good as
unschooling all day, which I think was your underlying point.)
