
<So true! I once spent over $200 on groceries>

Thank you Danielle! I thought maybe I was just WAYYYY overboard, I
also EASILY drop that much in a week, usually a bit more than that.
Part of it is all my organic stuff but even when I didn't buy organic
I spend that much.



<Within an unschooling context, I think it's worth suggesting that you
to you own body first and what books say and what other people tell you

Good thing to bring up Sandra, I think that is really the key! People
don't listen to their bodies! I actually was determined here a few
months ago to retrain myself to eat meat because being a vegetarian is
not always convenient in social situations; bad decision because my
body was a MESS! I don't know if it was because I haven't eaten meat
in 10 years or what but I was all out of whack. I listened and
returned to my nice vegetarian life, even stricter than before, and I
feel SOOOO much better. I know people who can eat quite a bit of meat
and feel fine though; same goes for sugar and lots of other things.
Different bodies handle things differently and we have to listen to
our own bodies, same as being mindful of other areas of our lives and
our kids lives.
