Julie Bogart

My oldest son, Noah, (18) is interested in taking New Testament Greek
with me in the fall. The course is both undergrad and graduate credit.
The professor is my favorite one and he gave me permission to have
Noah sit in (even without credit or paying tuition) if he wanted to.

However, both Noah and I came to realize that if he's doing the work,
having the credit might come in handy some day. So I started down the
path of special student status and hit a brick wall in the first phone
call. Normally I quit at that point. The admissions lady just kept
telling me he had to jump through all the admissions hoops even if he
isn't a degree seeking student.

But this time, I decided to keep calling other departments. Long story

The CAPS program (degree completion and weekend degree students over
22) made an exception for Noah and will enroll him even though he's
not old enough. They will even allow us to use Jon's adjunct teaching
for tuition remission and Noah will get credit even though he won't be
in the degree seeking program.

Isn't that cool? The dean was so nice to me and enthusiastic for Noah.
Quote: "He's clearly an exception and this class sounds ideal for
him." Noah was over the moon. He's totally stoked to learn a dead
language. :) I liked that going past the initial phone call yielded
such an enthusiatic exception!

Just thought I'd throw out that info in case someone might wonder how
to do the special student status in college.

Julie B