[email protected]

This morning I have e-mail from Holly, titled "Hope you get this in the

"while I was playing Halo, one of my bottom bands broke off of the braket,
and so I was hoping maybe you could make an opointment at the Ortho for the
after-noon (or morning I can wake up) and I would have to go before we leave to
algodoness (also maybe if i go in then I won't have to go on monday) we'll

She misspelled "Algodones," but it's Spanish so that's okay for now. She
misspelled a few other things, and was funky with capitalization, but it was an
e-mail to her mom in the middle of the night so no biggie. And after having
dealt with hundreds of kids her age when I was teaching Jr. High English, I
know she could've cleaned it up if she'd wanted to.

I've made her an appointment for 1:15, and this means she won't have to
leave the museum on Monday for the pre-England ortho appt. she had scheduled.
(Diana, Hannah and Hayden will be here and Marty never works on Mondays so wants
to take Diana/HaHaMommy's kids to Explora)

I love e-mail.

Kirby was gone all night last weekend, unexpectedly, and when I woke up and
he wasn't back, I checked e-mail. No e-mail. That happened once before,
when he stayed where the internet connection was down. He was young then, he's
18 now, and I wasn't worried. He called at noon, apologizing. I asked if
they didn't have e-mail, and he said he fell asleep without realizing it and
had just woken up. New gaming friends, from a gaming shop other than the one he
worked in for so long, and they're not on this side of town.
Understandable, as they played until the shop closed and went to a house to play some more.
Sober and geeky and not in danger.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]