

We're from Roseburg originally, but we're moving to Portland for dh's
job. We're not planning on living *in* Portland, but we've taken
several trips there in the last 2 years, and we really like the area.
Although the sunshine has been nice (in southern & central California
and Phoenix), I'm *really* looking forward to being back someplace
where the color of the sky and the color of the dirt are NOT the same!

Has your son been to the camp before? I've been to the website, but
I'm curious to hear about it from someone who's been there.

~Carri Ann~
mom of Star Wars/lego obsessed 10 y/0

[email protected]

>>We're from Roseburg originally, but we're moving to Portland for dh's
job. We're not planning on living *in* Portland, but we've taken
several trips there in the last 2 years, and we really like the area. >>

Well here's the link to our group in case you end up anywhere near Corvallis/Albany.

>>Has your son been to the camp before? I've been to the website, but
I'm curious to hear about it from someone who's been there.>>

This will be Conor's first time, but he knows other kids who have gone and they've all LOVED it.

~Mary, unschooling mom to Conor (16) and Casey (11)

"Just today I'm going to be utterly present for my children, I'm going to be in their world (not just doing my own thing while they do theirs), I'm going to really hear them, I'm going to prepare myself to be present starting right now."
~Ren Allen

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]