[email protected]

Thanks everyone for the advice. We are thinking that we will do grandma's
house during the day. In NY where we are, the laws are kind of strict, but
no, there's nothing about time that you need to be home to "homeschool". You
just have to do a minimum number of days and turn in tons of paperwork at
certain times (each quarter) of the schoolyear, but all that can be handled. I
think I have enough "school-speak" (you know that language educators use to
sound important) to make our paperwork sound just fine, even without formal
"school times".

I am starting to wonder however what my own job (superindentant and
principal) will think when they find out (it's a small area even though I don't work
in the district we live in). I don't have tenure in my district since we
just moved and it'll be interesting to see if this gets in the way of that
happening for me. Oh well, that was just a side thought. I know there are lots
of other p.s. teachers out there who homeschool, probably being teachers in ps
drives them to homeschool more like.


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