
Hello everyone,

I have been reading the list for a week or two now, and I'm very excited
about being a part of it. I have one daughter, seven months old, and we plan
to unschool her from the beginning. I'm anxious about how my family is going
to react, but I'm determined to do it anyway, because I strongly believe in
the personal, social and political benefits. I'm nervous though!

Since becoming a new mother, I have not been part of any community or known
any other parents besides my own and my partner's. I've lurked in some
communities, mostly message boards such as mothering.com and
breastfeeding.com, but felt I just didn't fit in. I shared some of the
values of the general community, but not others, and some I felt a constant
urge to argue with. I didn't want to argue, though, I just wanted a place to
discuss the parenting issues I find interesting and important, and perhaps
meet likeminded people.

So now I'm delurking because what I'm reading here makes me feel like it's a
good fit for where my head's at right now, as I prepare to start this crazy
journey. :-)

I watch myself a lot, with my daughter, and I see that I try to control her
for no reason sometimes even now, when she's pre-verbal and just starting to
explore the world. I'll take her hand to show her how to do something. And
now I stop myself and say, no, she pretty much does exactly what she wants
to do and immediately lets you know if she needs something to change. She
lets me know if she wants me to help her do whatever it is she feels like
doing next, or just share it with her. And I learn to sit back and watch
her, stop evaluating her, and let her grow unimpeded.

Sorry, it's just all so exciting! :-D

I was wondering - has anyone read the book 'Borderliners' by Peter Hoeg?
It's translated from Danish. It's fiction, but kind of autobiographical, and
it, along with my own school and life experience of course, had a great deal
of influence over my thinking on the subject. I was carrying it when I quit
school myself at fifteen, eleven years ago.

Anyhow, I'm very glad to be here and I look forward to talking with you all!


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Mother Earth (Tyra)

Welcome, Cthiax!

I am excited that you are exploring unschooling while your dd is still at an age where many parents are okay with unschooling. It will make the learning at home journey so much smoother for you as you go along!

Peace and Love
----- Original Message -----
From: cthiax
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:00 AM
Subject: [unschoolingbasics] Another delurker

Hello everyone,

I have been reading the list for a week or two now, and I'm very excited
about being a part of it. I have one daughter, seven months old, and we plan
to unschool her from the beginning. I'm anxious about how my family is going
to react, but I'm determined to do it anyway, because I strongly believe in
the personal, social and political benefits. I'm nervous though!

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