Ren Allen

I was just over at the "shine" list, a place I can only read on a rare
occasion (high volume of posts) and never post, BUT Anne Ohman wrote
something I thought I'd share a little snippet of over here.
The post was much longer than this, but this part was really relevant
to our recent talk about school terminology and releasing schoolish

Anne Ohman:
***The challenge comes when you try to see the view from unschooling
only using what you know ~ the tools that were handed to you ~ from
the schooled side of the world. Those definitions of life and the
world and learning that come from the schooled mindset.those are your
old tools and they're not going to work outside of the schooled

They're going to vary from person to person, too. What are you holding
onto that was handed to you that you can't seem to let go of? Bring
that out and examine it. What are the brick walls that you keep
running into in life that are preventing you from growing, from
getting closer to people, from knowing your True Self?

How tight is your grip on those old tools? How willing are you to
examine and question that schooled mindset? Are you ready to face the
truth about the answers to those questions you have?******

Good questions.
