Deb Lewis

Congratulations to Ren and Kelly on their new and fast growing list. <g>

I'm Deb Lewis from Deer Lodge, Montana. That's in sw Montana on I-90
between Butte and Missoula if anyone's ever passing through this way and
would like to stop and bounce on the trampoline for awhile.

I live with my son Dylan, who is twelve now and my husband David who is
creeping up on forty five. I'm forty one.

Dylan has never been to school. Once, when David and I decided we should
consider what would happen to Dylan if we died, I said we'd have to be
sure he was with someone who wouldn't make him go to school. David said
not to worry, there was no one on earth could make Dylan go to school.

Dylan loves animals, insects, the comics page in the newspaper, politics,
Godzilla movies, hiking, camping rock and fossil hunting, story telling,
popcorn, telling terrible jokes, and playing chess. He has long hair
always wears sweats, walks through every puddle and climbs over every
rock and tree stump and we just found out he has psoriasis. = ( bummer.

He's pretty sure he'll live in a motor home and travel and write novels
and comic books and make movies and work as an equipment operator at some
point in his very busy sounding future. <g> I wouldn't be a bit

Happy unschooling, everyone.


[email protected]

HI Deb!
We worry about what a child will be tomorrow, yet we forget that he
is someone today.
Stacia Tauscher