
Hi, I'm Sam and am new to this particular group. My wife and I have
two boys ages 7 and 2.5 that we are unschooling. Mostly she works
while I mess around on the computer and play video games with the
boys. It seems to work, but she really should be jealous.
We aren't really new to homeschooling as we've always (since we've had
kids) planned to homeschool. We are also very familiar with
unschooling, but we are new to a lot of parenting practices that we
are working to implement. We are working on issues of yelling,
limits/control and generally finding ways to be more respectful as a
My goals are to be the best father I can both for my boys, my wife and
myself. As I'm getting better at being a better dad, I'm enjoying
life in general a little more. Each day, though not always easier, is
a little happier than the last.
I think that's probably enough intro for now. I just heard the words,
"I'm hungry," meaning I should be moving my rear parts toward the kitchen.
I look forward to meeting everyone!

[email protected]

>>My goals are to be the best father I can both for my boys, my wife and
myself. As I'm getting better at being a better dad, I'm enjoying
life in general a little more. Each day, though not always easier, is
a little happier than the last.>>

I loved your intro Sam. Welcome!

~Mary, unschooling mom to Conor (16) and Casey (11)

"Just today I'm going to be utterly present for my children, I'm going to be in their world (not just doing my own thing while they do theirs), I'm going to really hear them, I'm going to prepare myself to be present starting right now."
~Ren Allen

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Mother Earth (Tyra)


Welcome! I can relate to so much of what you have written. This is a great place to help you evaluate everything you do and to determine if it really fits the goals you descried. Like you I am so much more happy as a person. Welcome, again.

----- Original Message -----
From: sam
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:39 PM
Subject: [unschoolingbasics] new member/intro

Hi, I'm Sam and am new to this particular group.

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