Reba Cobb

hi, i'm rebecca in tooele, utah. i read from the list every morning, tea in hand, finding encouragement and support. thank you! i have three children hannah (dd9), jerusha, (dd7), and eli (ds4). we've always homeschooled and began our journey to unschooling about a year ago. i began looking into unschooling, reading john holt years before. one day i questioned, "why not?" that began a fabulous chain reaction and now our home is a hub for creativity, exploring passions, a sanctuary where all are respected and loved.

i need help! i'm searching for unschoolers in the salt lake city, utah area. i am having a difficult time finding unschool support. a friend and i recently started a yahoo group for utah unschoolers. so come take a look because we'd love to make connections with others on the same journey of living every day joyfully and soulfully.

glad to be here,
rebecca cobb

utah unschooling group

Yahoo! Photos
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

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[email protected]

>>i need help! i'm searching for unschoolers in the salt lake city, utah area. i am having a difficult time finding unschool support. >>

Hi Reba. I lived in Park City for 4 years. For a long time I felt like I was the ONLY unschooler in the state so I know how you feel. I used to travel down to Salt Lake City a lot to find connections for my kids. I only know of one unschooling family in Park City, but knew many relaxed homeschoolers/almost unschoolers in the Salt Lake valley.

Are you a member of SLHE?

>>a friend and i recently started a yahoo group for utah unschoolers.>>

Have you announced your new yahoo group on the Salt Lake City and Utah elists? That helps get the word out. This website has listings for most of the groups in the state. Put your group on there and send notices to all the lists.

~Mary, unschooling mom to Conor (16) and Casey (11)

"Just today I'm going to be utterly present for my children, I'm going to be in their world (not just doing my own thing while they do theirs), I'm going to really hear them, I'm going to prepare myself to be present starting right now."
~Ren Allen

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Pamela Sorooshian

I'm collecting state information - how do unschoolers manage to
unschool while meeting state requirements?

Maybe you could talk about that among yourselves on your new Utah
list and send me a summary?

