
I understand your frustration. My son was 3 1/2 when he was potty-
trained. I was beginning to wonder if he'd still be in diapers when
he went to college ;)

The first thing for you to do is... relax. I promise you, your child
will learn to use the toilet.

Secondly, have there been many changes in your family's life lately?
Our pediatrician at the time thought our son's reluctance was due, in
part, to stressors or changes in the household (he'd be "thisclose"
to being completely out of diapers, then something major would
happen - we'd move, my husband had his foot crushed at work - you get
the idea - and he'd be back in diapers refusing to use the toilet.
His doctor said it was fairly common for changes to affect a child's
toilet training, as that was pretty much the only area of a child's
life that they (the child) has *complete* control over.)

You can try moving the potty to whatever room they're in. I know this
works for many kids - mine was not one of them. He absolutely,
positively refused to go to the bathroom in any room *but* the
bathroom. He said if daddy didn't go potty in the living room, he
wasn't going to, either!

My cousin suggested that I give up the pull-ups altogether and use
regular cloth underwear with plastic covers to go over them (yes, you
can get them in sizes for bigger kids). My son *hated* the wet
feeling of the underwear and was using the toilet exclusively in
about 3 days.

Carri Ann