
I know I am jumping in on the conversation a bit late but wanted to

I was worried that my dd was bipolar because my mom is, and because
she can be very explosive too, but mostly verbally. I've also read
"The Explosive Child" and found it very helpful. . We have worked
out that if she is frustrated to come squeeze it out of me or if I
notice it I'll ask is she wants a hug and that works alot of the time.
But I know for some kids that would be the last thing they would want
to do. I also love "Raising the Spirited Child" , I got the idea of
using sensory activities to help diffuse her frustration from there;
things like water play, playdough, "goop", shaving cream, snow. I
just really struggle with her teasing her brother. But her intensity
is what led us to unschooling, and I'm so grateful for that.

Ren, I was curious how long you've been a RU and how old were your kid
when you started? Ooohh what's a swing chair?! I couldn't find it at
Ikea's website. On googling people, I googled myself to see what came
up and there is a woman with my name that teaches belly dancing and I
just took my first class today LOL.

Daniel, "My problem is that I would MUCH rather lecture than be
lectured. When posting there is this small spot in my head that
envisions the community I post to be enraptured and bedazzled by my
brilliance......." LMAO!!! You need to write for a sit com!!! Can
you imagine, you could push the unschooling "agenda" and nobody would
notice because they would be dazzled with your humor and brilliance :)

Leslie, " Do you do any sort of meditative practice that helps you BE
in the MOMENT?" I could really use help with this!!! But I'm
clueless on meditating, any suggestion on where to start?

Tyra, "One thing I have thought about is the story about the mother
who acquired a horse for her children. When I heard that the next
Conference would be in AZ, I thought that chances of me and my family
attending would be slim as I live in TN. However, I am going to use
creative thinking and figure out how I am going to make it there."
Please share your ideas! I'm thinking hard too. I went to the
conference in St. Louis and dh thinks he's done, but I just have to go
again to NM!!! I checked the train but it costs as much as flying and
took 48 hours! Oh and my dd is passionate about wolves too. I've
been trying to come up with more ideas to support her love but I'm
stuck; we've done books, movies, stuffed animals, and the zoo. The
best was a wildlife science center that is a wolf research center,
they even had 2 Mexican Gray wolves! Have to go back again soon.

Gayle, (((hugs))) from a recovering controlling perfectionist and
wannabe RU. I'm not there yet, but I do have some "being in the
moment" moments and they have been coming more frequently. I've been
trying to remember the saying "Dull women have immaculate houses" :)

Joanne, such wonderful news about Shawna. Thanks for sharing, it gave
me so much hope.
