Mother Earth (Tyra)

Hello Pam!

I am a huge advocate of helping children learn how to use the potty the in a gentle and respectful ways. With my first son, I was clueless as to how to help him learn how to use the potty. I figured it out somehow with a determination to do it differently with ds2. I was blessed to find out about elimination communication with ds2 which is about tuning into the child's bodily processes and taking infants from day one to the potty. I started when ds2 was 5 mos old. What I learned in retrospect about ds1 was that I was too limited in my focus on where to get him to go. I thought it was all about getting it the little potty or the toilet. I realized in hindsight that the grass and bathtub were excellent places to help incent a child to pee. The other thing that I did was help my child tune into his bodily processes by having his potty in whatever room he was in with NO diaper or undies on. Both my ds's ran around with bare bottoms until they were potty graduates. Doing so means that they only have to focus on getting to and on the potty. I learned with ds2 that accidents on the floor are acceptable and will decrease in time. However, when we see that they are peeing and pooping then we can help direct them to the potty. Using dipes and undies slow this process down.

I believe so much in children being able to do this. I know that your smart 3 yr old is capable and with guidance in creating the new habit of peeing in the potty, will be doing so in no time. I wrote two articles for a local parenting magazine regarding my experiences with helping my children learn how to use the potty. Let me know if you would like for me to forward them to you.

Much Love
----- Original Message -----
From: queenpamedalah
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 8:46 PM
Subject: [unschoolingbasics] Re: question from a newbie - Radical homeschooling

I am facing a current problem and would appreciate some insight. My
just turned 3 year old still isn't potty trained (egads! I know, but
I'm not a bad mom, really!).

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