The Millers

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 18:23:15 -0000
From: "sahm2cody" <CXFiles@...>
Subject: Am I an unschooler?

This may seem like a stupid question, but honestly, I don't know what
to call us.

I am always mindful of labeling. My daughter and I Metamorphosis too much!

I have let her figure out what she is, not what we are. Her and I are quite
different in our approaches. I use lots of reference books, etc. I really
enjoy them. She reads fiction. So, it's really not us, it's her and then

So, if someone is truly interested in what we are and is genuine in their
search, I'll say, "I'm a Whole Learner she is Life Learner, but you might
want to ask her directly." If someone is being a pest and just asking so
they can debate how invalid our choices are, I'll throw out that we are both
RU's. Just because adding that word Radical tends to scare people. haha

For some reason, out here in NM whenever I use the term unschooling people
say it is negative. So, out here...I really try not to use it. Hmmm, I
never had that problem in CA.

The Millers in NM