[email protected]

In a message dated 12/18/2005 2:44:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
saprswife@... writes:

I think a little bit of worry is also creeping in because my parents will be
coming for Christmas. They are humoring me in regards to homeschooling
(basically supporting my decision but want Tristan "mainstreamed" back into
school ASAP) but would be totally and utterly against the idea of unschooling. I
can see just an incredibly unhappy visit on the horizon.


Malinda, maybe you should play up the fact that your husband is in Iraq.
Sometimes with families, you just have to buy a little time. You can tell
them that the stress of having a husband in combat is overwhelming and that this
is the best solution for now that you have found.

Then when your husband comes home, you'll need your son home from school for
the transition time. :)

After that, you'll be feeling much more sure of the unschooling and your
parents might even be able to see it working and they'll lay off of you. That's
how it happened for me.

I would give them as little info as you can get away with. It was so hard
for me to not tell my mom everything I was doing, but it turned out for the
best. She is now supportive of my homeschooling, but she still has never heard
the word unschooling or asked me what we do all day.

If your parents make this an unhappy visit, I would say "my husband is in
Iraq. I am doing everything I possibly can to make this a wonderful Christmas
for Tristan. If you have anything negative to say to me, please hold your
tongue until after the holidays. All of our energy needs to be focused on
creating a joyful holiday, Tristan and I want you here. But if you cannot just be
positive then I need you to not be here."

Although it wasn't about homeschooling, my mother and I had a similar
conversation when my husband was in Iraq. I had to tell her that my stress level
was through the roof and I could not listen to her negativity at that time.
She got the point and quit bitching at me, actually she was really quite sorry
and didn't realize she had been doing that.

I'll be thinking of you!

Leslie in SC

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