Lesa McMahon-Lowe


Your post answered my question about healing and unschooling ourselves and I
hadn't even asked the question on the group yet. Thanks. :)


-------Original Message-------

From: Mother Earth \(Tyra\)
Date: 12/15/05 04:35:16
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [unschoolingbasics] Family comments

I did not know about the tradition of some Native American tribes
considering the next seven generations when making the decision, but it is
sentiments like that that make mothering a spiritual path for me. I am
becoming less and less surprised that I am ending up where I am as a mother.
It started with breastfeeding and has evolved into unschooling. These last
few weeks, I have truly come into the realization that unschooling is just
the next step in a process that began with a goal that I had before I had my
children. I decided that my goal as a parent would be to raise children who
felt good about themselves, who had high self-esteem. This has to do with
the fact that I have struggled with having high self-esteem. Little did I
know where this would lead me because at every turn, I have to work on who I
am in order to parent in a way that allows my children the freedom to be who
they are.

It is a beautiful thing to be able to leave our children material wealth,
but nothing compares to the love. I once remember an alcohol and drug
counselor saying that he had NEVER treated a patient for alcohol and drug
addiction who said that they were addicts because their parents did not buy
them enough stuff. It is the lack of love that had them there. It is
comments like those that keep me determined to continue to open myself more
to my children, husband and people in general.

They may not remember our name, but they will have our love.......There is
no greater legacy.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]