Ren Allen

"Oh, and Kelly would say "go to the Live and Learn Conference next
year". :)"

In the meantime, pick up some of those great CD's. They're priced
very fairly ($10-15), and an MP3 of the entire conference can be had
for just $75, a virtual STEAL!! You can listen to encouragement any
time of day, over and over if needed.:)

Here's a full listing of the CD's available:

2005 Conference CDs
"Oh the Places I've Been!" - Roya Sorooshian $10
An up close and personal talk about Roya's experiences as a "growing-
up" unschooler.

"Mother and Daughter: Our Unschooled Life Together" - Pam Sorooshian
and Roya Sorooshian (Double CD set) $15
Mother and daughter "compare notes" on what it was like growing up
unschooled. What did mom think she was doing? How did daughter
experience it? What do they wish had been different? What was the
best part?

Anne Ohman - In Search of Riverglass & So that ALL Children May
(2 in 1 CD) $15

"In Search of Riverglass...Finding Unschooling" - Anne Ohman
An unschooling essay from the place where my mind is free to think
its best thoughts ~ our simple cabin on the beautiful upper Delaware

"Unschooling: So that ALL Children May Shine!" - Anne and Jake Ohman
Join Anne and her always unschooled son, Jake (15) as they talk
about their journey to unschooling and how they believe that
unschooling allows all non-typical (as well as more typical! ;-)
children (Highly Sensitive, Out of Sync) to Shine by Honoring and
Celebrating Who They Are. These are the sensitive spirits who would
be quickly destroyed in a schooled environment, and who would most
likely be labeled and sent on a path of being *fixed*. When we talk
about *Shining* with unschooling, we are talking about the gift that
this glorious unschooling path offers to our children...the gift of
being able to follow their own hearts, their own passions and share
their gifts with the world. This is how all children should Shine.

"This is where unschooling lives..." - Anne Ohman $10
Join Anne for a day in the life of her unschooling family and all
the connections that just one, simple day can bring, as well as
further thoughts about how her family came to live in this space
(and how you can, too!) where infinite possibilities exist...this
glorious place called unschooling.

"Unschooling a Tribe" - Ren Allen $10
How do age differences among children play into unschooling? How do
parents effectively meet the needs of several ages in one family?
We'll explore the unique challenge that face larger families and
different ways unschooling parents have met these challenges.

"Mindful Parenting" - Ren Allen with Sandra Dodd $10
How does parenting style and choice affect unschooling? Why does
mindful parenting play such an important role in the way unschooling
develops? Sandra and Ren came to unschooling and mindful parenting
along different paths, but now find the same philosophies to be of
ultimate importance.
Saying "yes" more often, respecting children's choices and letting
go of arbitrary rules will be discussed, and how they affect the way
learning unfolds.

"Unforeseen Benefits of Unschooling" - Sandra Dodd $10
When my oldest was five, I could see the potential of unschooling. I
knew unschooling families and was familiar with alternative
education. I had no doubt things would work out well. There were
unexpected outcomes, though, and they continue to arise.

"Connections" - Sandra Dodd $10
Where does learning happen, and how? Unschooling can provide time,
space and opportunity for wonderful things to unfold.

"The Early Years" - Robyn Coburn $10
Once you take out any academic pressures with these younger-than-
school-age folk what is left is the Radical or whole life part of
RU – I will talk about how I have found that "to trust" is an action
as well as an emotion and how Trust is the foundation of parenting
into a life of Unschooling with Joy.

"Whole Life Unschooling " - Danielle Conger $10
Why do some AP parents lose trust that children will learn all they
need about the world in their own way and own time when given
freedom and opportunity to explore? What is it that changes in
parents (because the children don't change) that we stop trusting
our children and reveling in the wonder and awe we felt as they took
their first steps? As AP parents, we rejected the experts who tell
us to train our babies: what makes us reluctant to reject the
experts that tell us to train our children?

By exploring the connections between Attachment Parenting and Whole
Life Unschooling, we'll discover how to continue living joyfully
with our children in amazement and wonder by giving them the freedom
and trust to continue learning about the world around them as they
have *always done*. We'll look at the ways in which Whole Life
Unschooling can be a simple continuation of the ideals and
principles of AP and how parents of young children can hold onto
that amazement, wonder and trust as they begin their journey into
Whole Life Unschooling.

"Out of School and Into the Real World" & "How Music Breaks the
Rules" - Kelly & Ben Lovejoy (2 in 1 CD) $15

"Out of School and Into the Real World" - Kelly Lovejoy $10
Many unschooling families start from the beginning---family bed,
extended nursing, no bedtimes, no school... But what if you don't
even learn about unschooling until after the damage of school has
been done?

Kelly will talk about how she and her husband started unschooling
after eight years of pushing their son in private school. She'll
describe the difficult deschooling and the eventual blossoming of
their son into a radical unschooler.

"How Music Breaks the Rules" - Ben Lovejoy $10
I hope to show how the music from my lifetime has transcended time
and found its way into my sons' lives and the connections that have
formed as a result. I will also explore how those connections have
come full circle, and I have connected with their music as well.

"Traits for Success" - Wes Beach $10
I've watched many hundreds of teens move on successfully to college,
employment, and many other endeavors with little or no academic
preparation, traditional or otherwise, at the high school level. I
have come to believe that it's not academic preparation that's
foundational; what matters are personal traits. I'll discuss these
traits in general and in the lives of students I've worked with.
