
I'm now a SAHM with a 5 yr old and an almost 3 yr old - both boys.
It's been an adjustment for me over the past year from working 60+
hours to working part-time from home, and it's given me time to
realize that I REALLY like my kids and am not too thrilled with what
they've been learning in pre-school. It's not the curriculum, it's
the words like "nasty" and "stupid" they are picking up from peers.
It's that my son (5 yr old) when I ask what he did today, instead
gives me a "police report" on who got their clip pulled and who did
what to whom. That isn't fun, and it certainly isn't what I want
him concentrating on! So I've decided to withdraw them both (don't
really need full time care anymore anyway!) and try home schooling,
with emphasis on unschooling. My 5 yr old reads well, so I figure
we'll start with some library excursions and see where it leads us.
This is all new to me and I have a doubting husband in the wings. I
don't picture myself as a "school at home" type person, so
unschooling is very appealling to my spirit. We'll see if it works
for my boys!

I have read through a few of the posts and am wowed by how open and
helpful everyone is. I hope that I can offer some tokens along the
way in recompense!

I look forward to getting to know you.
in Memphis

[email protected]

Hi Pamela! Welcome!

I'm from Memphis, although I haven't lived there in years. I am planning on
a trip this spring to see the family.

I know what you mean about the police reports! LOL!! And unschooling goes
even beyond that, your children aren't judged and watching other people being
judged all day for what they know and don't know! When I come across this
stuff now, my mind screams "surely this is some sort of child abuse...why
isn't anyone noticing how crushed these kids are?!"

We went to the zoo recently and we saw a lady talk about the penguins. She
said "who knows where penguins are from?" and my 5 year old piped up "the
North Pole!!". The lady said "no, you probably saw that on TV. They are only
from the South Pole." I saw my daughter look at the lady for a second then
walk away and stop paying attention. She started zooming around the room and
got her friends to join her, kinda disrupting the lady. I thought, no wonder
they have so many behavioral problems in school, these kids are trying to
protect themselves from being hurt and set up and told they are wrong all day.

Guess I needed to get that off my chest, LOL!

Have fun getting used to your new life, Pamela!

Leslie in SC

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Lisa H

<<Leslie wrote:
We went to the zoo recently and we saw a lady talk about the penguins. She
said "who knows where penguins are from?" and my 5 year old piped up "the
North Pole!!". The lady said "no, you probably saw that on TV. They are only
from the South Pole.">>

So funny, my 7yo recently told me that the commercial at the movie theater for coke was all wrong because they showed a polar bear with penguins and polar bears live in the north pole and penguins live in the south pole...this she told me she did learn from TV.

Lisa Heyman
New York

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